Splendid Yoga presents:

Insight Timer Secrets:
How to Build an Audience, Make Money, & Create Passive Income on Insight Timer

Insight Timer is the #1 free meditation app for sleep, anxiety, and stress.

There are 19 million meditators on there.

And there are fewer than 10k teachers.

That means there are 1900 students per teacher.

Can you imagine hundreds of students attending your Tuesday 8am class??

No joke: every time I see a yoga teacher on there teaching live, there are HUNDREDS of students.

Unlike Facebook and TikTok, where EVERYONE is creating content and you have to play the algorithm guessing game every time you post something, you'll have direct access to the students who are actively searching for you.

The best part: Insight Timer handles all the marketing for you. No more second guessing your email strategy!

It's THE perfect time to start teaching meditation and yoga on there!

I'll teach you:

  • how I get thousands of listeners and purely passive income for my recorded meditations
  • how I create perfectly aligned private clients in the community
  • how to guide live meditations with hundreds of participants

Ready? Let's do it.